Monday, April 27, 2009

Sister-Wife Bound

In spite of my "Don't Let Go" flash of faith on Friday, I resumed monching all weekend long.  Popcorn, Haribo gummi bears, Jelly Bellies, and Tostitos Nacho Cheese were mainstays on the menu. 
And there was that pound of Hawaiian grilled chicken over cabbage with side of macaroni salad from Aloha Grill.
And the lemon meringue cupcake (filled with lemon curd and topped with light meringue) from Molly's Cupcakes next door.
I figure I can let those 3 days be my shameless PMS binge days.  I've resumed normal consumption and excercise, and I'm happy to be back on schedule.
Perhaps it's serendipitous that I won't get to weigh in tomorrow.  I'm going to Salt Lake City for the night to make sure this surgical education reception I've been planning goes off sans hitch.  I leave tomorrow morning and return Wednesday night.  I have a few hours on Wednesday to take in some sights.
Who knows?  Maybe I'll become some Mormon's Sister-Wife.  Maybe I'll get kidnapped by some crazybeard a la Elizabeth Smart. 
But things like that don't happen to girls like me.  One can dream...
So there's that,


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped & raped. She was raped at least twice, possibly more. She was also tied to a tree with a wire cable for the first 2-3 months of her captivity & terrorized, neglected & abused sexually, mentally, emotionally, verbally, psychologically, & possibly physically. You're lucky that things like that don't happen to girls like you.

Laura said...

boo. more later.