Sunday, February 28, 2010
Run It
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hard Facts
- Baked potato chips, while approved by my dietician, do not make me feel good. They feel sludgy in my stomach, I can feel the pulp gurgling around down there. It's nasty. I can't even look at chips ever again.
- Packaged tuna and salmon are hit-or-miss with me. A month ago, I got some tuna stuck in my pouch, which caused much pain and dry heaving. Last week I decided to revisit packaged fish - the salmon salad went down really well for 3 days. It was the 4th day that destroyed me. I'm putting that shit back on the shelf for another time.
- I love cheese. I fucking love cheese. I want cheese to get me pregnant. Thankfully, cheese is a high-protein essential in my post-op life. Praise cheese!
- It's weird to go grocery shopping now. I want to make lots of different things for the week, but I won't be able to eat lots of things for the week. Case in point: I made meatballs 3 weeks ago. Last weekend I had to throw the final 3 out. I just couldn't eat them often enough. I've decided to really focus on the things I need (sugar-free popsicles and Activia Light yogurt), and buy other staples as needed. I don't want to be a hoarder.
- I can't look at the scale between weigh ins. That shit fucks with your mind. Example: I looked at the scale today and am apparently up 5 lbs since Tuesday. No way. There's no possible way on this diet. Will see what the scale says next week. Bet it will be awesome. Bet it will be awesome.
- I need a schedule at night to keep from going crazy. I'm a hermit. I live alone. I don't like going out on weekday nights. I could easily graze on cheese and sugar-free popsicles if I allowed it. Unfortunately, I'm bad about keeping schedules. This week's evening schedule was successful:
- Go home.
- Take multi-vitamin.
- Turn on music.
- Put on lounge-y clothes.
- Make bed, clean apartment.
- Do dishes.
- Complete the L.A. Times crossword puzzle for the day.
- Check on the interwebs.
- Watch my stories.
- Take a bath and read.
- Go to bed.
- From the list above, it's clear that I need a hobby/enriching activity. To that end, I began volunteering at a homeless shelter. Last night was the orientation, and next week I begin volunteering at their clinic on Tuesdays and their kitchen on Thursdays. I'm pretty pumped.(!)
- I'm losing patience with people. It's not because I'm more confident and tired of being rolled over all the time; it's because I'm cranky...and tired of being rolled over all the time. I'm trying to keep my tact and manners in check.
- I need to reach out to people more often. I'm a really shy person, and it's become so much worse after so many months in seclusion. I make a point to go to one social commitment per week, and try to call friends and family more often. It's difficult, but I just have to grit my teeth and get out there.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lordy Lordy, Look Who Lost 40!
Re: "How the G.O.P. Can Fix Health Care" (Op-Ed, 2/22/10)
James Pinkerton obviously isn't familiar with households like mine – those rural homes several miles off Main Street where the middle class dollars come from jobs in manufacturing, service and agriculture. On my State Road, when Americans think about health care, they think first of finance, not health.
My parents put their faith in Republicans. Unfortunately, Republicans are doing nothing to help people like them.
So there's that,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Presh.
Biding Time
The habit of eating when bored is coming back to me. Fortunately, I've gotten through the rough patches by chowing on sugar-free popsicles. Unfortunately, I'm addicted to sugar-free popsicles.
I need to find ways to keep busy at home. It's too cold to walk at night after dinner, and too dark to walk right after work. I'm getting tired of taking baths, if that's even possible. For my benefit only, below is a list of ideas to keep myself busy at night:
- Dance Dance Revolution. I got the PS2 for a reason...
- Serious Housekeeping. I could spend an hour per night on some serious spot cleaning in my apartment. My bathroom and bookshelf could use some serious attention.
- Drawing. I like doing it, and I'm pretty good at it when I focus. I bought a pad, some charcoal and pastels last week. Now I have to use them.
- Blog. I could do it more, but I hate being on the computer when I'm home.
- Write. See above.
- Get a Life. Easier said than done. I hate going out on weeknights. Admittedly, this should be easier since I don't drink anymore, but still. I need to decompress after work, and I don't want to be around people or at a bar to do it.
The next step is managing the time I watch television. I never thought it would come to this, but I'm addicted to certain television shows: RuPaul's Drag Race, No Reservations, Lost, and Project Runway, to name the most important. When I'm not watching these shows, I'm watching stuff I've seen before. I'm wasting time. I need to cut back my television time to only include these shows. When I'm not watching TV I could be focusing on those other enriching activities.
Now I need to put the plan into action! I will report at the end of the week!
So there's that,
Friday, February 12, 2010
Set it and forget it.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Herb of the Week!
Clean Closet

Friday, February 5, 2010
Bittersweet Wow Moment
Well...shit just got real.
Thanks to my missing buttshelf, I'm sitting farther back in my office chair. This means that I'm farther from my computer screen. That means I can't read good and stuff. I've taken to hunching over and resting my elbows on my desk, my face inches from the screen.
I don't think that's in my best interest. I'm really starting to regret this whole surgery thing...
PSYCHENAW! I'm just kidding!
Either I need to get a bolster for my chair, go see the eye doctor again for the first time since aught six, or adjust the view setting on my monitor to "geriatric." After much consideration, I've decided adjusting the screen is cheaper. And maybe I should see the doctor.
So there's that,